Friday, June 14, 2019

The Awning Lady - All In A Day's Work!

Being the owner and operator, of Vintage Trailer Awnings by Kristi, I have a variety of jobs to accomplish during any given day. With three awnings in progress, I documented just some of today's projects.
Today for example:

Pre-Made, Ready To Mail, Awning For Sale Link 
I spayed the fringe and hung it out to dry on my front porch.
The solution waterproofs, prevents mildew, and provides UV protection against fading and rotting. Sunbrella marine grade awning fabric already has an expected 10 years of protection. However not the fringe, which will need repeated treatments over the years.
Out on my back porch, I sprayed the VW Bus hardware with Liquid Plastic, to prevent scratches.
In my dining room, I have the Black Taupe Fancy Stripe Sunbrella being measured and cut out for a 7 1/2 x 8 awning

Overflowing into my living area, I have the shock poles made and extended out on my coffee table, plus the fabric for the next two awnings laying across my love seat. 

                          Boxes still need to be made.
Another part for the VW Bus Arched Awning is completed.
Included in my day, I have answered awning questions, updated my Blog, plus my Facebook page. I also un-packaged and stored away business supplies that arrived in the mail. I didn't sew at all today, but I will start fresh again tomorrow.
                      Now it is time for a coffee break!